6月17日学术报告:Light-matter interactions in layered two-dimensional materials


报告题目:Light-matter interactions in layered two-dimensional materials

报告人:Xiaolong Chen 陈晓龙*   Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering Southern University of Science and Technology, Shenzhen, China    

 *E-mail: chenxl@sustech.edu.cn

邀请人:苗霖 教授




Abstract:Two-dimensional (2D) materials, with layered van der Waals structures and atomically-thin thickness, offer a unique platform for investigating light-matter interactions. In this talk, I will first overview our previous works on light-matter interactions in layered black phosphorus and its application in optoelectronics [1-2]. Then I willfocus on our recent two representative works on light-matter interactions in 2D materials. First, I will show that light-matter interactions can provide a convenient  approach to investigate the antiferromagnetic properties of micrometer-size atomically-thin semiconducting materials, which is not accessible by the conventional approach [3]. Then, we offer an effective optical method to probe the layer-dependent mechanical properties. Combining the theoretical model, we are able to resolve the interlayer shear deformation in black phosphorus layer by layer, and extract its key thermal and mechanical parameters [4]. 

Keywords:Two-dimensional materials; Light-matter interactions; Antiferromagnetism; Strain. 


[1] Nature Communications, 8, 1672, 2017.

[2] Light: Science & Applications 9, 114, 2020.

[3] Lasers & Photonic Reviews, 2022, in press.

[4] Nature Communications, 2022, in press.

简介:陈晓龙助理教授本科毕业于中国科学技术大学,博士毕业于香港科技大学,先后在剑桥大学、耶鲁大学进行博士后研究工作,于2018年加入南方科技大学电子与电气工程系。陈晓龙博士在以黑磷为代表的二维材料物性与器件领域取得多项研究成果,在 Light: Science & Applications, Nature Communications, Science Advances, Nano Today, ACS NanoSCI期刊发表论文50余篇,2019年获得广东省“珠江人才计划”青年拔尖人才,2021年进入国自然优青答辩环节。自20225月份起,担任Frontiers of Physics青年编委,长期担任 Light: Science & Applications, Nature Communications and Science Advances等期刊审稿人。