12月7日学术报告:a continuous-time quantum walk simulator on distributed memory computers


学术报告:a continuous-time quantum walk simulator on distributed memory computers
报告人:Dr. Josh Izaac, The University of Western Australia


In this talk, I will discuss discrete-time and continous-time quantum walks on graphs and digraphs, which have shown potential applications across a wide range of fields in science and engineeting.  My focus will be on efficient quantum circuit implementation of the corresponding unitary and non-unitary operations.  
1. J. A. Izaac and J. B. Wang. pyCTQW: a continuous-time quantum walk simulator on distributed memory computers. Computer Physics Communications, 186(0):81
92, January 2015.
2. J. A. Izaac, J. B. Wang, and Z. J. Li. Continuous-time quantum walks with defects and disorder. Physical Review A, 88(4):042334, October 2013.
3. Z. J. Li, J. A. Izaac, and J. B. Wang. Position-defect-induced reflection, trapping, transmission, and resonance in quantum walks. Physical Review A, 87(1):012314, January 2013.
4. A. Mahasinghe, J. A. Izaac, J. B. Wang, and J. K. Wijerathna. Phase-modified CTQW unable to distinguish strongly regular graphs efficiently. Journal of Physics A, 48(26):265301, July 2015.