6月25日学术报告:Ferroelectric Control of Quantum-Mechanical Tunneling


报告题目: Ferroelectric Control of Quantum-Mechanical Tunneling

报告人: Evgeny Y. Tsymbal

George Holmes University Distinguished Professor

University of NebraskaLincoln,  USA

时间:  625号(周四)上午9:40

地点:   田家炳楼南205

邀请人: 董帅 





Ferroelectric materials are characterized by a spontaneous electric polarization switchable by an applied electric field, which makes them attractive for application in non-olatile memory devices. Recent developments in thin-film ferroelectricity have demonstrated the possibility of achieving a stable and switchable ferroelectric polarization in nanometer-thick films. This discovery opened up the possibility of using thin-film ferroelectrics as barriers in tunnel junctions, where a bistable ferroelectric polarization allows controlling the amplitude of the tunneling current across the junction. Contrary to ferroelectric capacitors where leakage currents are detrimental to the device performance, the conductance of a ferroelectric tunnel junction (FTJ) is the functional characteristic of the device, thus providing a conceptually new approach for non-olatile memories based on ferroelectrics. This talk will review recent developments in the field of FTJs. It will discuss the recent demonstration of giant resistive switching effects observed in FTJs, physical mechanisms responsible for this behavior, and the interplay between ferroelectricity and magnetism in FTJs with ferromagnetic electrodes.


Bio: 苏联科学院获博士学位;曾在苏联Kurchatov研究所、苏联科学院、德国Jülich研究中心(洪堡学者);牛津大学从事研究。2002年起任内布拉斯加林肯大学副教授、教授、Charles Bessey教授、George Holmes University Distinguished教授。美国物理学会会士、英国物理学会会士。内布拉斯加林肯大学纳米铁电器件中心主任、材料研究科学与工程中心主任。

研究领域为计算材料科学,包括材料的输运性质,纳米尺度的铁磁性和铁电性以及相关的自旋电子学等。发表论文200多篇,包括Science 2篇,Nature子刊8篇,PRL21篇,PNAS1篇;引用6500余次,H指数46。邀请报告148次,其中APS Meetings4次,MRS Meetings7次。2014年国际磁学与磁性材料会议大会主席。